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We have weekly craft and chat Zooms, as well as live events that are recorded and available for replay for our members. We also have a weekly live 20-30 min Stockinette Zombies podcast, movie watch parties, game nights, cast-on parties, show and share sessions, and tips and tricks sessions. There is also a lively Discord chat group with KALs and giveaways, where you can show off your latest FOs, ask a question, or get enabled. ZKN is a great way to stay connected. It is a wonderful community, so please join us!
Financial accessibility is important to us, so we have a free option and tiers so that you pay what you can to support the ZKN community. All of your ZKN membership fees support Zoom meetings, prizes, ZKN merchandise, shipping costs, speaker fees, and for the time and effort of coordination. ZKN membership fees are paid once a year and are non-refundable.