Megan and Amy talk about knitting, the upcoming retreat, and review "Up, Down, All-Around"
Administrati -
May Self Striping Sponsor: Desert Vista Dyeworks - Prize drawn
June Self Striping Sponsor:

ACME drawstring bags now available for pre-order through June 30th
2 designs: HO Bags and Couch Bears
The Silver Shed USA zippered project bags with couch bears also available
Join in on the Summer Tops KAL through the end of June
FOs -7
Megan FOs:
New design premiering at ZK in June
WIPs - 26:30
Handspun Hitchhiker
Bokeh Tank
Toy out of DDD
Megan WIPs:
New sock design cuff-down man socks
New shawl design out of June Fibre Arts Milly Singles
Review - 18

We are proud to be a part of the Up, Down, All Around Blog Tour
Up, Down, All-Around By Wendy Bernard | Published By Abrams | STC Craft Photos by Thayer Allyson Gowdy
This is a new spin on the concept of a stitch dictionary. Great stitch patterns with options galore for flat, in the round, bottom up, and top down. The book also includes bonus patterns that incorporate the stitch patterns!
Awesome prize pack with Blue Sky Alpacas yarn, Pretty Cheep Bags, and a signed copy of the book. Giveaway on our group on Ravelry
Check out the other reviews on the blog tour
May 22: FreshStitches
May 24: Hey Jen Renee
May 26: Very Shannon Knits
May 28: Miso Crafty Knits
May 30: The Sweatshop of Love
June 4: Stockinette Zombies
June 21: Wendy Bernard on the Ready, Set, Knit! podcast
Enabling - 29
Voolenvine Amy and Megan both love her Silky Merino and Blitzed bases
Also check out Kristin's podcast
Bags By Awesome Grannie awesome coordinating sweater and notions bag set, PRIZE for the Summer Tops KAL

Retreat News - 36:
GET EXCITED - IT IS JUNE! Join the conversation!
Email about 5K time submission going out this week.
Next week you should receive a PDF pamphlet
Thanks to all our fabulous sponsors who are spoiling the retreat attendees rotten!
Check out the Stephen Steven Tour