Megan and Amy have lots to talk about this week (as always), including YarnOver, WIPKnitDown, crazy cast-on-itis, and a review of Eternity Ranch Yarns.
Your hosts: Amy is JKnitMa on Ravelry and Megan is JustRunKnit on Ravelry
Administrati -
716knit Self-striping from Megan's stash for January Self-Striping Prize
Yarn Over 2015
$1.3K raised for National Women's Health Network
Thanks to Josh Dairyland Knits for his touching and so much more articulate Joyful Joyful mention
FOs - 16:30
Amy FOs:
Joyful Joyful
Megan FOs:
Autumn Rainbow Joyful Joyful
Hitofude Cardigan the 3rd
WIPs - 21
Amy ACTIVE WIPS: #wipknitdown2015
Bijou Basin Yak mitts
Sweetness Pullover
Pump Up the Volume Socks
Static Zing
Megan WIPs:
Measure In Love with Eternity Ranch Knits Snazzy base held double
716bflo Static Zings
Sun Valley Fibers MCS Boxy
ZK2015 39:30
Designer Showcase, Mini patterns
Please mark 'Attending' on the Ravelry Event to add yourself to the Attendee List
Virtual Knit Nights (VKNs) - getting to know new friends, ask questions, get excited about June!
Review/Enabling - in WIPs 28:10 & 43:20

Eternity Ranch Knits
Get 20% off through Feb 7th with the coupon code 'SZ2015'
Our favorites: Winter Wonderland Winter Mint Grease
Giveaway: What is your favorite Broadway show?